Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Holy Cow it's been so long!

Oh my gosh I have gotten SO behind on updating! Things have been going so well! I love student teaching and I love AHS! I have taught about 5 classes so far (some for the whole 82 minute block and others for part of the block). I love my students to death! I was really nervous about my lower level students but their class is the one that I have been teaching and they are so great! I have to keep them on task and tell them to take off their headphones every now and then but they really do try hard. They are so full of personality and they make me laugh everyday. They have been extremely respectful (so far, at least!) and I see so much potential in them. My honors kids (whose classes I've only been assisting with thus far) are also great but I really connect most to my lower level kids. I'll be picking up their class full time the week after February vacation (which I'm beyond excited about having!) and although I'm nervous, I'm excited and I feel ready.
I have sat in on several IEP meetings at school, too, which are really interesting. Tomorrow I get to work one on one with a student who I identify with on many levels. I'm so happy that I have a chance to work with her. I hope I can help her, but, more importantly, I can't wait to see what I learn from her.
Drew has taken over one class full time already and seems to be doing well. I find myself really proud of him for some reason. He, Colleen, and I have grown really close through this experience and I want the best for them, as I know they do for me. No one else can possibly know what this experience is like, other than them, and I'm so thankful that we all have each other.
Tomorrow I'm teaching some of first block then working with that student that I mentioned and then I'm not sure about third block yet. Then I'm going home to visit my Mom and puppies because I miss them so much! Friday marks the start of February vacation which will be a welcome break, even though I'll be lesson planning through most of it.
Thanks for reading! I promise I'll update more!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Days 8 and 9: Falling behind in my blog!

So I have fallen behind in my blog and don't have much time to write today! But I am teaching my Modern American Lit class tomorrow and will definitely post about how it goes!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Seven: 2 Hour Delay

Today we had a 2 hour delay because the walkways were still being cleaned up form yesterdays huge snow storm. It was so nice staying up a little later and getting up a little later, too. I woke up at about 8:25 and we left here around 9. Classes were only 45 minutes each, except third period because of lunches.

First period we went over symbols from Allegory of the Cave and then the students started to work on their modernization skits of the story.

Second period we went to the computer lab and the students did a webquest about Ernest Hemingway. It had all kinds of questions about him, his life, his work, etc., that they found online then took a quiz about.

Third period the students performed their modernization of the Allegory skits and then we started a documentary called "To Die in Jerusalem." To be honest, I'm not exactly sure where the teacher is going with the documentary in terms of what it will tie into but I guess we'll see.

At lunch I was informed that the student teachers all have to perform together in the faculty talent show in March...oh jeez!

Fourth period I brainstormed some activities to do with the kids next week on 2 Hemingway short stories with Ms. G then we made photocopies of the stories. The day flew by with the delay and short class.

My outfit today: Gray pants, silver flat shoes, a long sleeve white cotton shirt and a black shawl thingy over it :)

Now I'm relaxing and watching GH and will start solidifying my Hemingway lesson later!


Day Six: Snow Day!


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Day Five: Early Release

So I didn't blog on Tuesday after my school day. It started off pretty badly. I overslept and Mary woke me up at 7:02 (our carpool usually leaves at 7) and I got ready super fast and was in the car on my way to school at 7:06. I didn't get to eat breakfast which sucked! I was starvinggg half way through 1st period but I luckily had some fruit snacks in my bag and ran to get more form my lunch between 1st and 2nd periods. To top off the rough start, the button to my nice jacket fell off in the hallway when I got to school!

I don't completly remember what we did during each period but during first period they interrupted with an announcement that we would be let out at 12:45 due to the snow, which was already falling heavily. So the day came and went and we were soon scraping off the car to go home. The drive was pretty treacherous but we made it. Then I just hung around here with Lindsay for the rest of the night.

Today, Wednesday, we had a snow day. I figured we would but of course they left us hanging and didn't call it until close to 9 pm. Today was a super lazy day but I did do some organizing in my class binders in terms of handouts, etc.

Tomorrow we have a 2-hour delay so I don't need to go in until 9 with school starting at about 9:30. The periods will be shorter (around 40 minutes) with the exception of third period because of lunches.

And of course...my outfit! On Monday I wore black pants with my flat black shoes, a black cami and a pink shirt with black stripes and gold buttons on the shoulders. It sounds weird but it's super cute! I have a gray and black one too :)

Now I'm off to bed!
